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Gil Farming in FFXIV

Ffxiv Gil Farming refers to the practice of making large sums of FFXIV Gil through gameplay, using various strategies such as selling items on the Market Board or completing Tradecraft levequests.

Gathering and crafting are effective farming techniques for Final Fantasy XIV Gil. While not as powerful, these strategies do offer reliable results.


Gathering and crafting are among the best ways to earn Gil in Final Fantasy XIV, though both take time and effort to earn. Selling materials like ore or gear requires facing stiff competition in the market - knowing how much ffxiv gil bun you can make per hour allows you to maximize both efforts and time invested.

FFXIV offers many free activities to earn Gil, such as hunting boards and daily roulettes, while participating in events or completing dungeons can also yield significant earnings of Gil.

One of the best strategies for making Gil is through engaging in advanced content like dungeons, alliance raids and treasure maps. Not only are these activities challenging and offer rewarding results for regular participants, but completing them requires coordination and skill - providing an ideal chance for making Gil in a safe environment.


Players can earn plenty of gil by engaging in crafts. Crafters willing to dedicate the time can sell their creations at high prices on the market board - an effective way to quickly bring new weapons to players quickly! Crafters may also utilize spiracorns as an easy source of gil; simply by spawning multiple copies at an NPC and selling them on the market board for high prices, one could make up to two thousand gil!

Other methods for quickly amassing an abundance of Gil include dungeons and older content. Many enemies drop spell tomes worth hundreds, giving combat players an excellent opportunity to make some quick money when beginning new patches as well as higher level dungeons that require long queues to access.

Leves can also provide an ample source of Gil, though some may be more risky than others. Hunter boards and daily roulettes also yield considerable amounts.

Killing Bosses

Eorzea offers many high-level bosses that drop valuable items that can be sold on the Market Board for significant profits, including Unei's Clone in Ancients Maze and King Behemoth in Ultimate Lair, among many others. Furthermore, these enemies also yield more Gil than those in Eureka or base floors of Crystal Tower.

Players can gain significant amounts of gil from grinding the weekly challenge log. While this technique applies to all classes, Gatherers and Fishers stand to gain most from it.

Another effective method for earning Gil is selling valuable items on the Market Board or completing Tradecraft levequests, both of which require large numbers of allowances and ingredients that can be farmed beforehand. Furthermore, high level gatherer or farmer classes can unlock Treasure Maps that yield massive sums of Gil.



Selling Items

Gil is an integral component of an MMORP experience and can be obtained by selling items on the Market Board, completing Tradecraft levequests or using treasure maps - although these activities require time and energy investment from players.

One effective strategy for quickly amassing Gil is selling items on the Market Board. Since prices can change depending on supply and demand, players can increase profits by purchasing low-selling items and selling them later at higher prices.

Selling items early on in a patch, when they're lesser-known, will reduce competition and boost sales. Night sales tend to work best as most other players will likely be offline and unable to undercut you. Finally, using Retainer Venture to increase gil yield/hour is equally essential; focus on botanist ventures offering high profit yields like Coerthan Tea Leaves, Spruce Logs, Trillium Bulbs Thavnarian Mistletoe or elemental clusters as they'll give high profit yields.