What is cast in rail shoulders? I don't need to say more. What are the characteristics of cast in rail shoulders? We have to find the switch manufacturer to popularize it for us! City rail switch as a switch manufacturer for this is relatively in line!

Turnout is characterized by a large number of switches, and the switches are mainly concentrated in railway stations and marshalling yards, a station yard can reach hundreds of switches, the number is very large. The structure of the switch is complex, and the structure of the switch is more complex than that of the ordinary line, because the switch is composed of rail, sleeper, fastener and various connecting parts. In addition, there is a switch related to electrical operations, and the whole can be regarded as an electromechanical combination of equipment, so the switch is more complex than the ordinary line. The service life of the switch is short, due to the special and complex structure of the switch, relative to other equipment of the track, the force borne by the switch is large, it is easy to cause rail wear and block, even there has been a group of switches can not be used after a week on the road. The switch restricts the speed of the train, because the switch belongs to the weak link of the line, the train needs to slow down when passing through the switch. Even if a railway is designed to run at a high speed, its speed will be affected by the station turnout. The switch affects the stability of the train operation, everyone can feel when the train is present, when the train passes through the switch, there will be a feeling of shaking, this is because the train passes through the switch, resulting in the phenomenon of lateral shaking, which will also increase the derailment coefficient of the train, affecting the stability of the train operation.

cast in rail shoulders https://www.hbrailwayfastening.com/Rail-Cast-in-Rail-Shoulders.html